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22 Reflection Questions For The New Year

for reflection to occur, take your time to find a safe, space for your thoughts and feelings

There is something about the end of a year, that gets us ruminating over both what we have and have not achieved in our goal setting for the year, but it can also be a time, when we think about what we would like to focus on achieving for the year ahead.

But is this the right mindset to have, that we should only focus on wins, losses, changes and developments yearly, or should we treat each day, as a fresh opportunity to make those changes and developments?

There is undoubtedly a power in reflection, as it allows us the space and time to review our past, for what worked, what did not work and the lessons learnt, so that we can continue to learn and develop a better self.

For most, the outlook of seeing an end of a year, can be a good motivation to pause and reflect on the here and now, so to map out the beginning of the next, based on our current needs and wants.

So with that said, let’s explore how your year was for you and where you want to go in the next one.

Below are '22 Reflection Questions For The New Year', for you to start to reflect on your year and develop an awareness of what has not, or is not working for you, so you can develop, or redesign your future goals and dreams.

22 Reflection Questions

  1. In the past year, when did you feel the most inspired, alive, or excited?

  2. What skill/s have you learnt or developed, from the past year?

  3. What lessons have you learnt from the past year? (Think about your highs, lows and the situations you have experienced, or witnessed)

    1. What did it teach you about yourself?

    2. What did it teach you about others?

  4. Name 3 achievements from the past year, that you are proud of? (Remember that the small wins are just as important as the big ones!)

    1. What skills and tools did you use to achieve each of those 3 accomplishments?

    2. How did you celebrate your successes? (By celebrating our wins, we allow ourselves to pause, stay in the moment and create good memories).

  5. Name 3 difficulties you struggled to achieve in the past year?

    1. How did you react to those difficulties?

    2. What do you think you needed at the time, to support you better with those struggles?

    3. If you could attempt those difficulties again, what would you do differently?

  6. Is there anything you feel you should leave behind, to stay, in the past year?

  7. What 3 things did you want to impact last year but they ended up staying the same?

    1. Will you make them a priority for impact, this year?

    2. If so, what skills and tools might you need to use, to make them an accomplishment?

  8. What 3 main regrets of last year, do you have? (Think opportunities missed or passed up on and time you did not, or could not give).

    1. What skills, tools or resources did you need, that you did not have, or was not available to you at the time?

    2. Will you consider either, none, or all of them as goals, this year?

    3. What small steps will you take to make it happen?

  9. What was the best way you used your time, in the past year?

  10. In the past year, what was the single biggest time waster in your life?

  11. In the past year, what was your biggest surprise?

  12. Who has inspired, or made an impact on you, in the past year?

  13. Who have you inspired, or made an impact on, in the past year?

  14. What goals do you want to keep developing this year?

  15. What goals do you want to let go of, for this year?

  16. What would you like to do the same, in this year, that you did in the past year?

  17. In the past year, who were your most valuable relationships, that you wish to continue to develop, this year?

  18. Is there anyone you wish you had got to know better, in the past year?

  19. In the past year, what has your relationship been like with yourself?

    1. How would you describe your overall wellbeing right now?

    2. How did you make a priority for yourself, last year?

    3. What areas of your wellbeing has received the most focus, in the past year?

    4. What areas of your wellbeing has received the least focus, in the past year?

    5. How will you take care of yourself in the present year?

    6. Are there any signs that you noticed in the past year, that tells you when you need to take a break?

  20. How are you going to prioritise your happiness, this year?

  21. In the past year, who in your life, has offered you the best support?

  22. Where do you want to be, by the end of this year?

    1. Can you visualise what that will look like?

Reflecting back, Looking Ahead


  • Goal setting is about laying the foundation of achievements but it is not the first step in creating your best year, as the first step is reflection.

  • When reflecting, take a moment to look back, remember, and learn, especially disappointments, which can be hard. You should always be learning about what lessons life teaches you, for understanding, growth and readiness of similar situations in the future.

  • What do you need and want to achieve your goal. This can come in the form of you tapping into your individual skillset but it is also important to welcome and ask for the support and resources, from those around us.

  • To set yourself up to achieve your goals, enter into the new year with the right mindset, insights, intentions, and focus. The one thing you can control is yourself - your attitude, thoughts, feelings, behaviours and choices.

  • If you need to change or adapt a goal, at any given time, then do so, as they are your dreams and wishes and you have the control to do that.

  • Try to stay in the moment and appreciate what is happening within the here and now. We can often achieve a goal but are so busy moving onto the next, that we forget to pause and appreciate the accomplishment.

  • Learn to celebrate those small wins, as they are just as important as the big ones.

Not every goal may get achieved in twelve months and that is ok, as our circumstances and priorities can change over time, so to can our wants and needs, including the world around us. It just means you have a goal/goals to keep working on, for the following year!

Happy New Year to you all and enjoy your reflection time!


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