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Counselling Resources

Here is a small compilation of reading material and resources you may find useful.  Click on the picture to be taken to the original source.


Samaritans - (leaflet)

When someone is carrying around worries and difficult feelings, it can feel very lonely.

Having someone there to listen can help them work through what’s going on and feel better able to cope. Therefore, here are some little tips for helping someone open up when something’s up


MIND - (leaflet)

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Explains what CBT is, what it treats and how to find a therapist. Also includes guidance
on how to try CBT by yourself.

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NHS - Every Mind Matters - (video)

A mindful breathing exercise video, to help you feel more calm and present.


Verywell Mind - (leaflet)

Interpersonal relationships make up a huge and vital part of your life. These relationships can range from close and intimate to distant and challenging. No matter the nature of the relationship, different types of relationships help make up the social support network that is pivotal for both your physical and mental well-being.  Learn more about the types.


Love Languages - (leaflet)

When we feel disconnected from the people we care about, life is a lonely place. The 5 Love Languages® is a simple and effective way to strengthen your connections, so you can experience greater joy and harmony in all of your relationships.

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Mating In Captivity (book)

In The State of Affairs, Esther takes a look at modern relationships through the lens of infidelity. Affairs have a lot to teach us about the human heart. Through examining illicit love from multiple angles, she invites you into an honest exploration of coupling in all its many variations.

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CPH Therapy

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